Chapter 24: Protists and the Origin of Eukarya

  1. What is the difference between protists and prokaryotes?
  2. What is the species diversity of protists in Eukarya? Why is it so low?
  3. Protists are paraphyletic. What does that mean?
  4. Be able to describe the life cycle of malaria.
  5. What are red tides caused by? What is the effects of a red tide?
  6. How much of the world’s carbon do protists fix? What does it mean to fix carbon?
  7. What is the base of the aquatic food chain?
  8. What is meant by the global carbon cycle?
  9. How are phytoplankton a key carbon sink?
  10. How do phytoplankton help mediate global warming?
  11. The earliest eukaryotic organisms must have had ________.
  12. Describe the leading hypothesis of the origin of the nuclear envelope. What evidence supports it? What is the advantage of having a nucleus?
  13. Describe the leading hypothesis of the origin of the mitochondrion. What evidence supports this? What did the mitochondrion provide the eukaryote? What did the eukaryote provide the mitochondrion.
  14. Describe the leading hypothesis of the origin of the chloroplast. What evidence supports this? What did the chloroplast provide the eukaryote? What did the eukaryote provide the chloroplast?
  15. What is the endosymbiosis hypothesis?
  16. What is meant by secondary endosymbiosis?
  17. What is the difference between phagocytosis and absorptive feeding?
  18. Absorptive feeding is common in what kind of protists?
  19. What are the three ways protists move?
  20. Of the 7 major lineages of Eukarya, how many contain protists?
  21. Know the unique morphologies, feeding strategies, and movement type of the following protist groups:
  • Amoebozoa
  • Rhizaria
  • Excavata
  • Excavata: euglenida
  • Plantae
  • Alveolata
  • Stramenopila
  • Oomycota
  • Diatoms
  • Brown algae